Reviews For What You Didn't Expect in Fertility, Pregnancy & Birth: Real Stories & Expert Insights

It is great that such a platform exists to learn about womens’ stories. Pregnancy and birth is nothing to take for granted as we sometimes do.
Paulette is a great interviewer and has done a beautiful job giving room for these beautiful and compelling stories.
This was such a great podcast to learn about hearing woman stories through childbirth and the profound affect it can have on a woman’s life.
As an interview subject, Paulette took me back through an intense period of my life as a mother, through the complexities of pre-term birth with little kids at home followed almost immediately by unexpected pregnancy and my absolute drive to terminate, which had all kinds of repercussions. Her questions were thoughtful, sometimes informative, nuanced, respectful-yet-curious. Kind. Later, listening to this and other episodes, I thought, how I wish I’d had this resource during that time of my life. I will share her work with anyone who tells me they are so much as contemplating pregnancy.
This podcast is such a hidden gem! The stories on here are so moving and they really get you to think outside the box when it comes to all things pregnancy and postpartum related.
It was an honor to be a guest on this podcast and I’m very impressed by the unique format, how Paulette so expertly interweaves people’s stories with expert’s input and perspectives. This is a much needed resource, talking about the nuances and realness that can happen during the reproductive journey. Thank you!
As an ob/gyn, I know the importance of maternal and neonatal well being is. This podcast highlights highlights this and keeps us educated in an engaging manner.


As a husband of a wife who went through a VBAC I find these stories powerful! Well told great platform!
In highlighting the fact that as women we go through a beautiful yet harrowing experience that is childbirth all the while thinking and hoping that we can plan things but knowing deep down and then experiencing ourselves to things can transpire along their own path – this podcast is amazing and emotional and heartfelt and accurate… I think you for spearheading this massive undertaking!!
Such powerful stories and so well told! Loved the episode on ectopic pregnancy- incredible and inspiring story. Very well presented!
Thank you for finding and sharing these incredible and rarely discussed stories of the journeys and miracles of pregnancy and birth.
Listen to this podcast (all episodes) even if you aren’t sure you about whether you want to hear stories of challenge when you’re pregnant. Listen to this podcast even if you aren’t pregnant yet or don’t ever want to be. Listen even if you can’t get pregnant for whatever reason. Listen if you’ve already been pregnant and had children and managed to get through it easily. Listen because these are unique and powerful stories of people who have moved through an incredibly difficult and unexpected physical and emotional experience. There is something for all of us to learn both from Paulette Kamenecka as host and in the stories her guests share so openly.
Fascinating! Really harrowing story well told - with good background info added. Really compelling.
First of all I like Paulette's introduction to these topics, "War Stories from the Womb". It is presented in a very relaxed format, like having a conversation over a cup of coffee and letting her guest tell her story. Emily, a young women who became pregnant easily three times, wanted to deliver naturally but each time something intervened and she ended up having three cesarean sections. That took a toll on her mental state. She ended up with fairly serious postpartum depression. Emily's story flows smoothly and she remembers many details. Paulette interjected at different points during the conversation to clarify medical terms, procedures, such as the use of pitocin, a drug to promote labor, or she introduced professionals, two mental health therapists who spoke about Peri Nadal depression, giving their knowledge on this specific topic. Postpartum depression is serious and needs to be treated by your doctor with medication. It was also discovered that Emily suffered from depression throughout her pregnancies. But there is a silver lining in this story and you have to listen to Emily's story. Excellent explanations and where to look for help, and what kind of services are out there for you. Well done.