This message is for anyone on the development team at Apple Podcasts:
Can you please do something to crack down on the trolls and review bombers? It’s really unfair for people’s hard work to get buried by the algorithm all because some bitter, prejudiced individuals who haven’t even listened to the podcasts they’ve carpet-bombed decided, ironically enough, to punish someone else’s free speech because they don’t personally agree or understand. I hope you will fix this soon. It is something that has irked me for a long time.
Disappointed but not surprised Apple is pushing the erasure of women down our throats. I’m angered every time I read about a “person who menstruates” instead of the word WOMAN!!
Having a trans view of history is indeed something lacking and needed. Thank you for the educational series, it’s like being back in my gender studies class in college! These are things that have been hidden from history and deserve to be told just as much as the straight colonialist versions.
Of course Apple would promote this one. And to the reviewer saying that trans people have never hurt anyone…Covenant School? But aside from that, trans people hurt themselves by not accepting who they truly are, opting instead for self inflicted mutilation in hopes to become a pale impression of what they will never be. Accept yourself for who you are - who you truly are.
Pure gender-faith propaganda. If you support the mutilation and sterilization of children for cosmetic purposes, you’ve surrendered your soul to a folk religion. And yet you have the gall to call us “phobes” for having a problem with it.
You people have pulled the pendulum so far back, you have no idea the reaction you’re about to provoke. All so old AGP men can live out their sexual fantasies.
Pure trash.
I’m a white, straight, cis-gender male and I completely appreciate your perspective. Thank you for creating this network so that we can continue to be better and more inclusive. Integrating truth with love is what we should all be about. Love this podcast!
We must protect families and children from these gender ideology cult predators and the medical pharmaceutical industrial Dr. Megeles who are brain washing, mutilating and sterilizing innocent children.
Apple SERIOUSLY needs to moniter reviews. Or at the very least they should let us report reviews. The reviews on LGBTQIA+ related podcasts are always so hateful! Thank you to @marksmanAntoNy, @Pastizzo, @sidewalkvocals, @RaineS23, and @TheMBOD for calling out the other reviews
The reviews of this podcast have become a flashpoint for many opportunistic bigots, allowing them to openly (yet anonymously) declare their hate for someone living life in a way they don’t personally approve of. This is the legacy of America’s long love affair with racism, miscegenation, misogyny, homophobia, anti-semitism, and other forms of intolerance and hate.
However the moderators may personally feel, allowing such comments to stay posted is tacit support of bigotry and the denial of the lived experience and history of millions of people worldwide (.5-1.5% of the population). There is no need for Apple to keep openly intolerant content up in the interests of “fairness”, unless this same standard is applied unilaterally to all forms of bigotry—which I think we can all agree is untenable.
It’s not “fairness” to allow people to use this review interface to spread their small-minded, transphobic opinions and contribute to the marginalization and actual harm (direct and indirect) of other human beings. Opinions are not facts, and not all opinions are created equally, nor do they all deserve to be given space or attention beyond pressing delete.
Apple, you have power over what sorts of public messages you allow a place on this platform. Either you care about your users and their well-being, or you don’t. You can create a space for people to share their specific opinions associated with this podcast and its content without it becoming an opportunity for trolls to “debate” whether or not the group featured in this podcast has a right to even exist. This company and its employees can afford to do the decent thing here and maintain a review section that is free from hate speech.
This is one of those great podcasts that introduce a topic in a bite-sized way that makes you think, “I should look that up” or “Cool, I didn’t know that”. Mari obviously cares deeply about making these topics available and approachable for a wide audience, which is so necessary, especially now. I’m glad this show is out there.
I can’t speak to the quality of this podcast, but these reviews are a joke. I especially love the ones crying that trans isn’t real because “it’s a scientific fact!” - don’t hide behind “science” to be hateful, stupid and biased. The scientific and medical communities RECOGNIZE transgenderism! Transitioning is a medical treatment overseen by doctors in medical settings. The entire scientific and medical community around the world recognize and perform this treatment, not to coddle delusional feelings or to help predators or whatever. And notice the treatment is NOT some therapy to convince trans people they’re deluded or whatever and set them straight with the “real science”? THAT is not a thing and is anti-science. Don’t argue science when science says you are wrong.
Far right extremists are targeting this podcast with their usual vitriol and bigotry. Tiresome. Apple needs to require a certain listening time for a user to be able to review a podcast.
Oof, this is trash. The production quality is poor, with with edit cues left in, and poor sound balance. Fortunately, those distractions will keep people from having to hear a complete denial of actual history. So many examples given are not even about transgenderism it is hard to know what is true. Do a little research and you’ll learn, this is almost all bunk.
Stop spreading blatant disinformation about history. Nobody has ever thought that men could become women and was taken seriously because it’s not true. It never will be true.
Transgenderism i nothing but a lie!A man can’t be a woman and a woman can’t be a man!Its a scientific fact!! if they expect you to believe this lie, they expect you to believe other lies! And this is called freedom of speech. It’s the truth and it’s been a fact for thousands of years!
I am not a trans person. Trans people are real. They are here and an integral part of society. They never hurt anyone and, NO, they’re not coming for your children, as the ignoramus claim by spreading false fears. Haven’t we had enough discrimination and hate in this country? Please live and let live.
Perhaps you should get your hormonal levels checked. Perhaps low T is a primary contributing factor. Also shut off all media! Get sunshine and get some exercise!
Men cannot become women.
Women cannot become men.
This is an insult to the 6 agonizing pregnancies that I carried. They resulted in 6 beautiful children. No man can ever experience what I did before or after those pregnancies.
These people can say what they want but they will never be anything more than a person with a mental disorder.