Clearly with Jimmy & Kelly Needham

Reviews For Clearly with Jimmy & Kelly Needham

I love listening to the Clearly podcast. Not only is it refreshing to listen to a podcast that helps me learn more about studying the Bible and deepening my relationship with my Creator, but I also LOVE the banter between Jimmy and Kelly. It reminds me so much of the banter between my husband and I and it always makes me laugh. I have been a fan of Jimmy’s music since the very beginning when he played a show at Wade Baptist Church in Wade, MS. Through his music & social media I found Kelly’s Bible study tips and then her books, Friendish and Purposefooled- if you have not read them, DO IT. Life changing. I love that Jimmy and Kelly are so down to earth and honest about their own struggles with their relationships and walks with God. It is very refreshing. I feel like I know them because they’re so much like me and they have some of the same struggles that I have! So take a little time out of your day and give this podcast a listen! You won’t regret it 😄
This podcast has been such an inspiration for my spiritual life. Two scenarios. The topic covered is something I’ve heard about but is given a new perspective and honest biblical view. Or something I’ve never considered and trustworthy source to learn and reflect on something new. Love how the Needhams never back down from a topic. And their banter is hilarious!
This podcast is such a gift. Jimmy and Kelly don’t shy away from hard or controversial topics and handle them with such grace. It is obvious Jimmy and Kelly love the Bible and want to share that love with others!
Awesome biblical content in a joyful, down to earth way!! Love this podcast! jimmy and Kelly do such a great job!
I really like this show because it has the perfect blend of humor and real conversations about our Christian faith. I love the relatability in the content and can identify with the topics. A great find!
Great job on this, this was very well displayed and thought through. Appreciate all the thoughts and it’s encouraging to see other Christians getting the right idea about homosexuality and the LGBTQ community. Thank you! God bless your family!
Our family has known and loved Jimmy since he was in youth group at our church. We got to watch him grow from afar, went to his little bitty concerts in the park, and have loved his albums since. This podcast comes across as light and fluffy, the way Jimmy and Kelly bounce quips and jokes off each other, but it’s deep, and interesting, and thought provoking. Thank you!
Jimmy & Kelly are bible nerds and they make you wanna be a bible nerd too! I’m late finding this podcast but I’m so glad I did. It’s rare to hear someone talk about the Word with such excitement and passion and it absolutely translates to listeners. I love the controversial topics that are handled with such care and with multiple points of view. Thank you both for giving us this gift!
I just listened to this podcast for the first time; Though warned by the podcasters to consider listening first to the Book of Job series from it’s beginning, I threw caution to the wind and listened to the most recent podcast, the wrap-up of the series on Job. It turned out to be a God-thing, (there’s really no other kind of “thing”, I guess, which, incidentally is one of the major takeaways of Job that Jimmy and Kelly brought out: There are no accidents, no slip-ups by God.) I really needed to hear the things God gave Jimmy and Kelly to say. Now I’ll go back to the beginning of the series. 😁
Found out about Jimmy Needham through “clear the stage” gosh I fell in love with that song and the depth of love for the Lord and the call to go deeper illustrated in it really moved me. I listened to the song solely for a few weeks when it occurred to me that he must have more music. For the passed year or so I’ve mainly listened only to his music, although he has a great voice the reason is really because of the depth and beauty of intimacy with God that is expressed in his music. anyways this rabbit trailed into wanting to know Jimmys background, theology and so forth. I learned about his struggles with sexual sin and the humility he exudes in sharing these difficult things and the hand and comfort God extends in this time. I learned he is local to me! 🤯 have gotten to attend his church that he pastors at and listen to a lot of sermons him and other pastors preach and the theology is so on point. Finally, this podcast. I LOVE IT. I love the earnestness to grow in the Lord, the humility that is practiced; it can be hard, overwhelming, confusing and on the other side of the spectrum beautiful, rich, lovely, glorious and really endless descriptions. I love how Jimmy and Kelly offer ALL. Of God and His inherent Word all rooted in a genuine and Biblical love. I love Kelly and Jimmy’s dynamic as partners in marriage under God and the joy that they share and the love they model. It is such a beautiful example. You both serve as such role models for me and I am so thankful for who God has made you and how you have been able to share this with the world.
the needhams are some of my favorite teachers and i love this podcast so much! it’s super helpful how this podcast deep dives while also giving definitions and sharing different beliefs different people have held, while also staying true to what we see in scripture. their love for God and for people shines through so clearly. they invite us to look at the scripture with fresh eyes and open hearts and give us permission to ask questions and to engage with God and the bible and with them. it’s so beautiful and powerful. cannot recommend this podcast enough! love it!!
I love that they don’t ignore the hard questions you may have from the Bible. They make me want to ask more questions so I can understand the Bible better. Highly recommend this podcast!
I think friend-ish was a good book. Sue me 🤷
The first 10 seconds are my favorite first 10 seconds of any podcast I’ve listened to… ever. 😂
I have been so encouraged with studying the Bible with Kelly and Jimmy. We are lucky that they have decided to share their collective wisdom and experience with us in such an easy way to take in. Clearly is like sitting at the table with a friend just talking through the Bible. What a gift! What makes this awesome is that they aren’t afraid to tackle the sticky stuff in the Bible. There are so many scriptures that we avoid because it’s confusing and uncomfortable. I am so glad this is here to work through the sticky!
Thank you both for what you are doing to encourage and support our walk with the Lord.
This has been so good and timely. I have learned so much and find myself looking forward anxiously for each new episode. Thanks Jimmy and Kelly. Awesome podcat.
Imagine a world where kale tastes like cake. That’s where this podcast lives. All of that really good stuff presented in a really digestible way.
So thankful for this podcast. Keep it going guys!
Have always loved Jimmy Needham’s music and how it goes deeper than much of the mainstream artists out there. This podcast is no different. Jimmy and Kelly take you to places in the Bible that are so easy to skip over and go years without reading, reminding you that all scripture is the word of God and important to get into.


By Fedo35
A fantastic first episode! I can’t wait to see where it goes from here!
In a world full of messaging and distrust, this is a podcast you can relax, learn and trust. Jimmy and Kelly are both knowledgeable and wise in handling God’s word, but they also love and walk with Jesus personally. I’m so excited for every episode!!
I love the Needham’s and can’t wait to listen every week.