My opinion on such revelation is simply that as stated within this report, whereas the system creation initially at that time, was for a white male longevity formula to preserve its core foundation for the nations citizens and its democracy prolonging.
Yet would not have been able to predict future changes and or occurrence, and direction of growth within or afar, and the direct or indirect effects of such. But instead in present-day via technology, seems to abuse more control of input, rather than allow, for blame of increased diversity within its system. They are effectively choosing not to be phased-out, out of fear of being conquered or replaced. Thus, maybe not banning of most, but some input via books to educate. It is not the that you can’t receive, but you must make more of an effort to produce your education, personally.
And as far as discipline via students, discipline must be given at an earlier stage to manifest futuristically, meaning the parents had not enough instilled before baring child or children. Thus, creating domino effect, also to include further damage via technological burdensome of task at hand, why be taught to, when you can simply be instructed by. But allowing to be instructed by can eventually lead to instruct you off a cliff to your own uneducated death.
- s.jxn -