I’m learning so much and I’m truly blessed by their biblical knowledge and relatable experiences. They keep it real and give you ways to work through the different topics discussed.
I found out about this podcast listening to The Perry’s. And I am so glad I did! I don’t remember which episode it was but it was about forgiveness and letting it truly go. WOW the prayer towards the end had me in tears! I felt a weight off me as I repeated that prayer. All of the episodes are so good and highly recommended. My husband has even started listening! Thank you Melody and Cd for the time taken to put together this podcast. Blessings, love you guys.
Tough topics taught with real truths and good laughs! I listen weekly and look forward to each episode. Every episode is applicable because they bring so much Truth(Bible) to the conversations and they’re fun, wholesome, genuine and just an all around great podcast to hear especially with all the other things we have as options to listen to.
Love y’all keep sharing, I’m listening!
I came across this couple through “with the Perry’s” and they were on point. Started following them since and their heart is full of faith and their ministry and teaching is 100% biblical as they connect scripture with everything they say. My wife and I have been blessed through their ministry/content and would love to meet them or see them minister in person. Keep fighting the good fight, you helping people find freedom through Jesus!!!
Love you both!!! I am so blessed to have found you! You are doing such great work in the name of Jesus!! Thank you!!! You are appreciated and Loved ❤️❤️.Looking forward to hearing more!
This is an episode to keep on repeat! Thank you for your obedience to be vulnerable and faithfully share the message the Lord has given you. I can’t wait for more episodes!
I am so grateful to be introduced to this podcast and hear an anointed Word. God is truly using this couple as ambassadors of peace. Praying that the Lord continue to minister through you all and bless your ministry!
Heard melody and CD on another podcast, it was so good I listened to it twice in one week. Then the following week they so happened to be at a marriage conference speaking, and they are such a blessing…they are the real deal! God is going to continue to use them to change lives worldwide, I can already feel it. This podcast has Gods words and the Holy Spirit working all over it. first episode was 🔥and real. So excited to hear more from the Fabiens!
I found Melody & CD through 30 Minutes with the Perry’s. They have already impacted my walk with God! My husband and I got married and found out I was pregnant only 2.5 months after getting married- needless to say the enemy pulled out all his tricks because he hates marriage and family! It was refreshing to hear them talk so openly about spiritual warfare that I thought wasn’t common (turns out it is!). The Lord exposed & broke off lies! I just listened to “Woundedology” and the Lord reminded me of truth I learned at my time in YWAM Kona and highlighted some people I needed to forgive. Thankful thankful thankful! 💛
We need a podcast everyday from you both! God bless you, your ministry, your family! So so good! So grateful to have heard about you both through The Perry’s Podcast on Marriage.
I absolutely love how CD & Melody make the teachings of God so relatable and understandable. This episode addressed the foundation of what shapes most people…their lived experiences and trauma…but then talk about how to get to the root to be filled back up for God. I can’t wait for more!
Melody and CD are phenomenal! They live what they teach. I believe God uniquely prepared them for this generation of young adults, singles and marriages. They are both extremley practical and deeply spiritual. Most of all they love Jesus and live for Him unapologetically. I highly recommend!!!
God has used Melody in my life personally. I can testify that her and her husband are the REAL DEAL!
They love the Lord wholeheartedly and seek to see others not only set free but walking in all God has made them to be. You will fall in love with their contagious humor and love for Jesus.
Keep this podcast pinned! 📌📌📌📌🙌🏼🔥