The Telepathy Tapes

Reviews For The Telepathy Tapes

This podcast fails to adhere to the scientific method and is promoting a false narrative.
Pseudoscience aimed at exploiting an already vulnerable community, while lining the pockets of the “documentarians.” Do better.
I have zero doubt that this is all truth. Thoughtfully written. Genuine storytelling. The holistic message is love. I choose to believe a better world is possible if we live every day in love for everyone around us. A great listen for those who choose love and acceptance and want to create a better future for all.
While I’m in shock, but I am equally unsurprised. This podcast has changed my life.
And the ONLY podcast anyone ever needs. This will actually change the world.
She doesn’t tell you that. Save your time.
Absolutely fascinating. I can’t recommend this enough and have been recommending it everyone I know.
I am totally blown away with the beauty and massive mind expansion this series of “tapes” has given to me. I share it with all my friends, because this is EARTH SHATTERING NEWS!!!! The science cannot be denied, yet the humanity and hope is Earth shattering and incredibly POSITIVE!! It is a silent evolution in HUMANITY and I for one, am forever indebted to the teachers that have brought this to light, and to the scientific methods in which it is all discovered and documented. BRAVO!!! A brave new world is BORN!!!
This is a beautiful podcast. I was overwhelmed when listening to the Mia story. She seemed so happy to be able to demonstrate her abilities. Humanity is so much more that what we are told. Amazing job 👏👏👏
We are all searching for something - Something to bring relief in this ever-changing, materialistic world. In your podcast, thankfully… I believe we have found it. As I gather the threads of what you’re offering here, I feel comforted, relieved and so very thankful for all of you. This work is of paramount importance to today’s world.. It’s a game-changer that will have a ripple-effect nobody can fathom. I just want to thank you for having the courage to present your findings in the genius way you have. Bless all of you in this endeavor.


By Cn457
I was so looking forward to listening to this documentary. My daughter is high functioning autistic. The first couple of episodes were good, and I wanted to know more, but then it started becoming repetitive and the host became less and less believable, especially when she went through the “scientific” experiments and exclaimed the equivalent of “Look, the puppets have no strings!!” over and over again, begging for the audience to buy her story. The “evidence” was hard to believe, and believe me, I wanted to believe. It was a desperate attempt at swindling the audience, who was craving for it to be reality. Those who are curious as to the validity of the so-called evidence were funneled to the show’s website, which forces the listener to pay the $10 to view the hokey science. I’m sorry I fell for it.


This is the most addictive podcast. The facts and proof combined with what’s possible or what could be possible….this oscar’s may change the way we think about everything. So well done. So entertaining.
Absolutely Amazing and Mind Blowing! This podcast and all the stories and people we meet in it are all so incredible! So much love and sweetness. I need more, so many more episodes!
This show is going to be a catalyst in bettering the lives of so many people; autistic, not autistic…. Perhaps some of the folks who wrote poor reviews about it should practice being more non-verbal themselves? If this topic is not for you, cool. Just don’t leave a review at all. It’s changing me on a soul level, and I will continue to share with as many people as I possibly can. I hope millions more do too.❤️
Just the best.
This podcast is the BEST!!!! Really paradigm shifting for all of humanity. I want everyone to listen to it. Soooooo good.
You have got to listen to this. All of the episodes. And actually listen. Fascinating, thought provoking, and borderline makes me want to turn my life upside down.
I cannot tell you what this podcast has done for me in so many ways and opened my mind to mind-blowing capabilities! This is such a beautiful and enlightening series and I cannot recommend this strongly enough! A MUST listen!


Who believes this junk? No wonder Trump is president, we’re a nation of morons.
Gorgeous storytelling about gorgeous humans!!! Highly highly recommend this!
I recently tried listening to “The Telepathy Tapes” podcast, and honestly, I couldn’t even finish the first episode. The host, Ky Dickens, suggests that nonverbal autistic children have telepathic abilities, but the evidence presented feels flimsy and unconvincing. The so-called “experiments” seem poorly designed, and I couldn’t shake the feeling that the parents might be unintentionally influencing their kids’ responses. It’s disheartening to think that some people might take these claims at face value without questioning them. I worry that this kind of content could spread misinformation and give false hope to families seeking real solutions. It’s crucial to approach such topics with a healthy dose of skepticism and rely on well-established scientific research when it comes to understanding autism and communication.
This is amazing I have experienced this and with no one to talk to about it this is really makes me feel I am understood this is amazing and I don’t know why anyone would be against typing I feel it is important for everyone to have a chance of communicating with people this is amazing.
So sad the lengths these parents are going to feel a connection to their child when they simply don’t have the correct access to effective evidence based treatment. Shame on their providers not better caring for their children and clients. This podcast is continuing to exploit an at risk population. Listen but to gain the knowledge of it being a pseudoscience.
I’m listening to this because a friend is completely sold on it. There are interesting things presented, but I can’t get past the zero fail rate. Is there really a 100% success rate? That seems highly unlikely for just about anything. It’s encouraging to know that there may be ways to connect and communicate beyond what we fully understand, but more information is needed. And tell us about the times when it didn’t work.
I heard about this from the Not Today Pal podcast and now I can’t stop. I’m can’t wait for the next season. ❤️❤️❤️ Brings new insight to these incredible humans.
And wishful thinking
I have been on the fense for months about spellers and having my son start this new therapy. And this week I told my husband I think maybe we shouldn’t do it. Then three times in various circles this podcast came up. Binge listened to season one. And now I am convinced we should do it! Not to mention I am wildly connected to a person who was spoken about but not on the show who will be my son’s speller therapist. Wild how God works! And as a creative, I have dreams of downloads. As a believer I get dreams of prophetic warnings and closed dreams of future things in my life. So to hear about the hill, heaven and beyond that these precious gifts from above can do—only confirms what I have known about God through my son that was only revealed to me because he is neuroDiverse! And Ky. Brilliant storytelling, editing and production. You’re a gift and I appalled your work!
The best podcast I’ve come across in a long time. Can’t wait for season 2 and the documentary
I am OBSESSED with this show!! It has opened my mind in all the right ways. I am recommending it to everyone I talk to!!
Wow. Deceitful podcast. Apparently Ky fails to fully explain that facilitators are the ones assisting with typing. Thanks for waiting out time and then creating a website that charges money to see the truthful experiments.
As an autistic person I find this stinking pile of woo to be incredibly offensive, as well as personally insulting. We are not objects for carnival barkers to profit off of. Facilitated communication showed up in the late 80’s early 90’s. It was thoroughly debunked. It’s a scam. Nothing has changed. Still a scam. I can remember it so clearly 35 years later because it really stood out as outrageous. I’m absolutely stunned that people think this is true, or real. Desperate parents excluded, but the rest of y’all have lost your minds if you give credence to this. The internet is swarming with the same scams as advertised in teeny ads in the back of magazines when I was a kid in the sixties. Calling yourself a Scots Laird, or facilitated communication, still scams. Check your science - children with no speech didn’t lay down the synaptic pathways to be fluent speakers. The communicator did - but the kids? Nope. There’s a giant screaming clue for y’all. Why are the “telepathic” messages so far beyond any possible level of fluency a kid with no speech could attain? These children aren’t reading books, or listening to lectures. A human brain is built, and if those inputs didn’t happen there’s no outputs. Find a pod that doesn’t take you for a ride.
As a mother to a non-verbal child, this validated so much of what I was feeling about these incredible little beings and opened my eyes to possibilities I could have never imagined. I wept at the beauty and the anguish. This is a life changing listen.
Changing the way I see the world.
“The evidence they provide to support these claims, however, is only extraordinary in that it’s not provided. There is no scientific evidence supporting the effectiveness of telepathy…none. Zilch. The same goes for its board game-based offshoot, called “facilitated communication.” There’s a word for something like this: pseudoscience.”
This is just another, albeit trendy journalistic, view glorifying the extremely debunked science of facilitated communication and its offspring. In a world of dis and misinformation a you should be doing better.
It’s about one thing and then it’s about everything. My understanding of consciousness and the universe is reorienting in the best possible way.
Need to see more info before making a judgement call on this one.
I can’t get enough of this podcast. I’m obsessed. It’s so good. I’ve been recommending it to everyone.
I just finished listening to the first episode and can’t wait to hear more!! What a well done show and an important topic that needs to be more talked about. I also appreciate the science and thought process that went into all of this, although I’m sure it made things more challenging. Helps with the skepticism! Thank you for sharing this.
There’s a reason the host says in the first episode that none of the examples pass scientific muster
I got goosebumps throughout each episode! This podcast is a gift to the world! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
One of the most powerful shows I have ever listened to. This show has validated many spiritual phenomena I have experienced but was unsure of whether was real or not. Excellently produced, this should be a must listen for those in the autism community and beyond.


Please listen to Pretend podcast for the real deal on this.
You can’t have a reputable ‘research’ podcast without using reputable methods of research. Facilitated communication is highly problematic and the illogical assumptions based on really bad experimentation just create nonsense. This isn’t advocating for anyone and is doing real harm. If your recorded ‘experiments’ are so transparent and illuminating then why charge to view them?
Really enjoying the commitment to these important concepts by the podcaster and the families.
Not because of content, but because of a lack of addressing and investigating critiques and doubts.
You can’t prove telepathy when you’re using a communication method that is so problematic and has not been proven to be authored by the communicator. Dr. Dianne should lose her license for not even recognizing this as an issue. Ky does not describe how the communication facilitators are prompting the individuals. Mia’s mom steers her with her finger on her head. Houston’s mom moves the letter board. Akhil is impressive but his mother is always giving visual cues with her body movements within his sight. Ky will call critics, skeptics and doubters Ableist. It is more Ableist to not validate that the individual is the true author of these messages. Because if it’s not, which has been proven in the past with facilitated communication, it means they are violating their human rights by speaking for them. It’s really quite simple, you need to do double blinded authorship studies of the facilitated spelling methods.
This information sounds like an interesting, and amazing find. I would love for this type of information to be more common place. The capitalist world that we live in will not believe it until they find a way to monetize it for themselves.
Deep bow of gratitude for the all work it took to bring this into our collective awareness. You are all appreciated and honored!