The Date My Podcast

Reviews For The Date My Podcast

Jessica was made for this. From the idea to the execution, she’s hit the nail on the head! I’m loving it and hope Kyle finds his perfect match!
So happy you’re back ! Love this podcast
There is so much to love about The Date My Podcast! Not only is it a flawless concept, the rapport between Jess and Kyle is so fun, goofy and heartwarming. Being able to stay friends with an ex shows the emotional maturity I wish more people had. It’s clear they have love for each other and want each other to be happy and we love to see it. Jess is quirky in all the right ways and I can’t wait to see where she takes us next. 10/10 no notes!!
Love this for you! So happy to have you back in action and killing it! So interesting! Cant wait for first date next week! Ahh
What an interesting concept… this will be a fun one to follow! The first two episodes also have really great advice on navigating the dating world.
Jess is a great podcast host and listening to her makes me happy! She has positive energy. The concept is also super fun and creative. I hope this pod keeps going so we can see other daters in the future!
I’m so happy to hear your bubbly self again!
Oh how I have missed you! Great concept, fun, a breath of fresh air. Love that Kyle is your first contestant 🩵
Glad to see you have a podcast. Hope you have much success!
Happy to see you successfully moving! What a great concept! Love your voice and style of interview and can’t wait to hear episode 2 and see how this ends up!
I’m so glad you’re back Jess! I missed your voice and bubbly personality! I can’t wait to dive into your new podcast journey! You will be amazing as always! 💟 My hubby listened with me and we were both laughing so hard! You were meant for podcasting! I’m so excited for your show and your bright future!


By mjee31
Glad you’re back!!! 😃
Good job on it
I listened to Jessica on the previous podcast and feel like it’s not the same without her. She is refreshing & relatable. This podcast idea is so original, especially since she is setting up her ex-fiance. Can’t wait to listen & way to go Jessica!
without Lala.
Feels like a great sitcom I can listen to, fun concept!
Jess, your concept is brilliant. Genius. Unique. You’re killing it. Excited to follow along.
So happy to listen to this first episode! And with no one calling you stupid or an idiot. Keep it going. Good luck to you
So glad to have Jess back on my radio! Such a cute podcast and looking forward to more!
Proud of you for doing YOU, Jess! You got this! Congratulations ❤️


Love you Jessica. I only listened to the other podcast because of you. I’m glad you left and stuck up for yourself.
Great idea for a Pod and we love you Jess!
I am excited for this! Missed your voice, your funniness, and just you!!
You are dynamic and have good sense.
Excited to see you venture off on your own. Cool concept.
The podcast all of the old Lala fans have wanted since she went cray. I have always loved Jess. You can just tell she’s a good one. I can’t wait to listen every week!!
Congratulations - So proud of you Jessica!
Great concept! I will def be tuning in and wish you two the best on this journey. If it’s not too personal or awkward can you share why you ended the engagement? Great turn around time on this one Jess, wishing you success.


Stop already
You have the perfect voice and personality for podcasting! Loved episode one and can’t wait for more. But yes dial back the emojis, you can still use them just less of them 😂
Loved your very 1st solo podcast episode!
Amazing first podcast! You came across genuine and strong! Love the pod and love the premise. Good job!
This is such an interesting experiment. Dating via a podcast is wild in itself but letting your ex fiancé drive the bus… well time will tell. Jess goes from giving to living in this dating adventure that she conceived and executed. A must listen for 2025 and for anyone struggling in the deep end of the dating pool.
Talk about making Lemonade out of Lemons! Jess comes back with grace and poise.
So glad you are back! Haven’t listened to the other pod since you left. Will listen to this every episode!!!
I love Jess!! I'm so glad this podcast is here because I just enjoy Jess so much. I could listen to her talk forever 🤎🤎🤎🤎🤎
I have missed having Jess in my weekly podcast episodes. I can’t wait for her to conquer this new venture! LFG!!!
As a relationship therapist and OG Jessica fan, i think this podcast is so fun and refreshing. Proud of Jess.
Jessica is thriving in her own spotlight ! Excited to see where this podcast and year take you ! Very creative idea for a podcast- will be listening weekly :)
Entertaining and funny. The show is well structured, fun concept, good banter. Excited for the season. Good to have Jessica back on my regular listening schedule!
I’ve missed Jess so much I’m so excited for her new show! ❤️❤️❤️ Will update my review once I get the first episode in.
Stay truthful, stay humble and you’ll do good! 🩷
So excited for this! First episode was great and can’t wait for more!
Such a refreshing, fun podcast. I love seeing Jessica branch out on her own.
Jessica Walter’s was my favorite co-host on a previous pod. I’m so proud of her accomplishments and the spin on this podcast is going to be GOLD. You deserve your time in the spot light, you worked hard for it. So excited for this new journey for you!
So good to hear you back on the air ! Loved the first episode and can’t wait to hear more of your adventures! You got this ! You really have been missed , and 2025 is your year to shine . Congratulations on the new pod !
I’ve been waiting for this podcast! Thanks Jess great to hear your voice again. Great podcast!!