Couldn’t believe the unabashed touting of U.S. as the “good guy” in the 20th century, without the slightest objection! Pointing fingers everywhere, only to forget that imperialism didn’t disappear after WWII, just euphemised as “interventions”, fervently carried out by our government, well into the 21st century. “Free-market” and “globalization” are co-opted as the cover for resource exploitation, and used to impose laws to benefit a few. In the name of anti-communism, anti-terrorism, and “democracy”, all the propped-up dictators, assassinations of dissenters, slaughtering of millions of innocents and crushed economies, are deemed acceptable even necessary, in keeping of American hegemony. These and more are conveniently left out of the conversation, so as to avoid any moral dissonance. If this is the kind of media the majority of the public is fed, little wonder of the apathy and bias towards people from those places. “Not very different from commodities and goods”, commented by the host without missing a beat.