Reviews For Reusse Unchained - A Minnesota Sports Podcast

I’ve worked for years in Chicago and Boston, but Minnesota was alway my “home”. I’m amazed at the lack of quality when it comes to our sports media…if Reusse is considered as worthy to have an expert voice, we’re doomed and should be ashamed. He’s always wrong on every opinion, tries to be a vocal bully, and he needs to be called out as the coward that he is. Keep taking shots at everyone from your bully pulpit and cower when you receive push back. Go park yourself in a car wash again! As Sid once said “you dumb imbecile.”


Pat is the best that the Twin Cities have to offer in sporswriting. And sports talking. Great history and current analysis, and the best stories.
Patrick is great most of the time, but I wish he would quit making fun of MLB’s mental health IL policy. I believe that Jorge Lopez’s mental health struggles are legitimate. Depression is a serious issue, Patrick. You don’t know what’s going on inside his head.
I absolutely love his take on sports and life. He’s not afraid to call out idiotic things and people as our world gets more PC every day. Love his observations and sense of humor!
Love this show. Reminds me of Saturday Morning Sports Talk, where Judd had no idea what was going to happen! Reusse is so fun to listen to and goes off on great tangents, but the best part of the show is his story telling. Stories of Twins greats, his drinking days, Harry Caray, and other sports celebrities keep me coming back!
That Trump impression was outstanding, and I am a supporter of the man
I turned it off during the hack doing the stupid Trump impersonation.
Don’t need to hear Reusse and his liberal hacks at the President. Suspend/fire this guy.
Patrick never fails to deliver. You get the unvarnished truth.
Top notch radio
Who is producing this? Reusse is either mumbling or screaming loud sometimes. Judd you can barely hear.
So much fun. Love all the old stories Pat.


By JNB412
Good to hear the best baseball mind in the biz again. The old fart can remember every player, stat, etc going back to the 60’s.
When I’m not canning apricots, I’m listening to Reusse.
Reusse is a fine wine that gets better with age.
My favorite SKORNORTH show, Pat brings fun analysis and Judd is great as always. One complaints is the sound quality, I’ll turn up the volume because I can’t hear what they’re saying for a minute and then get my eardrums blasted out by a sound spike. Probably because Pat’s recording remotely, but hopefully that gets fixed. Even with sound issues it’s an awesome show every time!
Put this man in he Baseball Hall of Fame.
I love hearing Patrick back on 1500. Couldn’t be better. 1500 has done a great job! Random MN athletes, per M&J show from 2/14 James Hollywood Robinson Jeff Reboulet Dean Garrett Luis Rodriguez
Your show is better than the event half the time. You are certainly NOT a mere troll.
Pat you bring a lot of smiles too a guy that is 52 yrs old. Your the best never again will there be somebody like you. Love ya Homer
Patrick is hilarious! And his recall of events and stories is encyclopedic. I look forward to listening to him and the boys every afternoon. Don’t retire!
Reusse is great. Listen everyday.


Reusse you're old. You're crabby. But you're a troll. You do it for attention because your show is low rated. It's sad because your competition is so awful but the only thing you can do is try to incite MN sports fans. Yuck it up while you can. Retirement or the eventual replacement one share youngster will do once your program director opens his eyes.


Best sports radio/podcast in town.
Ruesse is a decent enough guy I am sure, but I need even more old war stories. More North Stars discussions and how about some Fighting Saints talk?! Heck, even some knowledge on the MN Kicks?! No country for old men except this podcast! Keep fighting the good fight Patrick, lord knows we only have so much time left to consume these podcast!! We want Favre!
No podcasts to download today. The producer needs to get his act together. Who listens to live radio anymore???
I like Reusse but Mackey is the worst sports person I have listened to in over 40 years. He should not be on the radio. Thinks he knows every thing.
I am from the TC and when I got lonely for quality sports talk about my Twins,Vikes and Wild I discovered Reusse and Mackey.I grew up reading Patrick R. and loved his acerbic wit and sports point of veiw,although I didnt always agree with him.Phil Mackey who is 25 yrs old compared to Pat and his 65 years plays off with Pat like steak and potatoes.This show has all of the current topics,sports personalitties and reporters from the Twin Cities with the right amount of interview,comment and fun features,especially CRAMM session, that make their 3 hrs meaningful and fun to listen to.If you are from the TC and need a fix of hometown sports talk,Ruesse and Mackey will be your cant miss podcast to download everyday. have had no trouble downloading this podcast and at one time we were told it would no longer be available.It is and its a must listen.
They will continue to lose new listeners each time they fail to timely post podcasts. KFAN does a better job w/ tech.
Great show,but can't download podcast any day this week....sad to say, KFAN I'm coming back Good bye KSTP
Please fix the bugs so we can listen to these guys again on iPhones. They are awesome. 5 stars when the bugs are fixed.