Distorted View Daily

Reviews For Distorted View Daily

I’d give it levenge out of 10 stars if I could!!
This show is like a soft fish pillow, it gives me serious harpo jarvi vibes.


This show makes ma deeek get hawwwd.
I absolutely love Distorted View Daily! I've been a dedicated listener on and off since 2006, and it never fails to entertain. DV Daily offers a refreshing and humorous diversion from the often depressing daily news cycle. What I appreciate most is Tim's exceptional ability to expose the bizarre and outrageous corners of the internet, all while ensuring I don't get lost in endless rabbit holes. The balance of shock, humor, and insight is perfect. I had been a free listener for many years and recently made the decision to become a lifetime subscriber because I enjoy the shows that much. Keep up the fantastic work, Tim, and stay healthy!
I’ve had better better pizza in Florida
Hilarious and highly entertaining! Strange and bizarre news and internet weirdos covered here. I’ve listened to every episode released in 2024, it’s amazing! With the sideshow membership (proud member here) you get daily entertainment!
I am 32 years old. I have been listening to this podcast since I was an impressionable 13 year old. This has changed/shaped my life and humor…not sure if that’s good or bad. Time will tell
I’ve been listening since sometime around 2012 and I have to say it has only gotten better and better over time. It’s insane to me that more people don’t know about and listen to DV. Timmyboo puts together a hilarious show every day of the week and has been for nearly 20 years. It has a vast community of (mostly) wonderful people and Tim consistently innovates with new content ideas and bits. The show has never gotten stale or repetitive in the entirety of its existence and I can’t say that about anything else I listen to. I have nothing but good things to say about the show. If you like comedy podcasts and aren’t afraid of some more “risqué” content, DV is an absolute MUST LISTEN. -A loyal long time sideshow freak
Very adult show that kits the perfect blend of tucked up and insightful craziness .this show changed my life and made me a better person. God bless you Timothy James Henson !
This generations version of a Mel Brooks movie in audio format. There is no subject matter that is off limits. Your host, Tiffany Jane Hanson is a delight and will keep your attention from start to finish! It’s better than fresh perked! Satan, AWAYYYY!!!
What can I say. Tim Henson is the best podcast host out there. No one interacts with their fans like Tim, and always having crowd participation. The show is hilarious for those with a dark sense of humor. You never know what craziness is coming next. I will continue to pay Tim because this podcast is a bright spot in my life.


I was hoping to be your 900th review but I will settle for 899. Love listening to your show on my way to work and in the shower. Keep being awesome. Love ya! 🌈 Karen K 🩷
Amazing podcast if you have a sense of humor.. I think I’m the 899th review. Idk. Good luck tiMOTHy
Always a joy to listen to Distorted View. Tim keeps the entertainment coming!
You spin the wheel of misery, you (insert bad word)!!!
My favorite podcast by far. Love u Timmy Boo!!
I’ve been listening to Tim for almost 15 years now and have enjoyed every second. SPIN THE WHEEL OF TRIUMPH
I’ve been listening daily for the past 5 1/2 years, and often on since I was probably 14. Timmy makes a great podcast. He will make you laugh and gross you out and feel like a good friend all in one show. As long as he’s still making shows I will be a sideshow freak. Keep it up Timmy and install that Boudet.
So happy to have found this podcast. I absolutely love it.
THE ABSOLUTE BEST FAMILY FRIENDLY* ALTERNATE NEWS PODCAST!!! If you’re tired of listening to mainstream news the likes of CNN or FOX this is a great alternative! Tim Henson is a phenomenally hilarious and well spoken host guaranteed to make you laugh at least once per episode, while also keeping you up to date with the MOST IMPORTANT DAILY NEWS that you need to know! *this show is family friendly if your children are above the age of 18
Great show been listener for years like a fine wine just keeps getting better
Tim Henson is the granddaddy of podcasting and after 20 years he's got offensive comedy down to a science.
Just here for the golden ring of triumph.
I’ve been listening to Timmy Boo for basically 20 years and have loved every minute.
Been listening to your dulcet tones since ‘06! Love ya man. Keep it all up.
the only thing in my sorry life that brings joy to me . Timmy brings it daily without fail. Thanks Timmy boo
Great service. Not so great people. Feel left out and lack of communication when joining groups. I just didn't pick one I pick several because I like to help others and give my talents, but the people at the rock didn't appreciate it. The ministry is good only when pastor miles is on since I believe God told him to lead the church and its people. However time to time he leaves and just leave someone there with a smile preaching. Sorry don't feel spiritual feed. Pastor Miles preaching is great helps you understand better than just reading in context. I do not care for the music makes me fall asleep, but thats them. The main concern is the people mostly the staff. Would I come here again absolutely not. I will Online not in person anymore.
Been listening to this podcast since I was a teenager, I’m almost 30. Quality episodes every single day. Plenty of raunchy and offensive humor, as well as more bizarre and silly topics. Cheap sub. Tim is a lovable guy. What more could you possibly ask for?
I’ve listened to Distorted View Daily for 15 years or so, and don’t plan on stopping. I’ve paid for a Sideshow membership for 10 years and don’t regret it at all. Tim is a great host, and it’s really impressive that he’s held together a daily podcast this long solo. I hope he never quits on us freaks.
Update 4/22/22 I think Tim referenced my review in a recent episode, and I want to say I’m not the Reddit guy so it’s two different people butthurt about the pol. But I’m adding a star because I appreciate being heard, and Tim’s self examination, and 10% butthurt should not = 2 stars off, and I acknowledge that I’m hypersensitive due to all the conservative hate that’s everywhere except right wing networks. Again, love you and your stuff Tim! 3/16/22 Chill on the politics and religion, you don’t see both sides and it spoils the fun. Love 90% of your stuff.
I put all my money in Mcdermott and ended up losing the house. I was forced to move in with my cousin Scott Taylor and we have a business now bootlegging carbon chaperone cds to try to recoup my losses.
Been a listener for many years. Love his view on the world. Such a funny show. Love you timmyboo This is the funniest thing you will ever hear! I promise!
Loads of over the top satire & ridiculousness, Timmy is here to offend people and make you laugh all at once. Just remember, don’t take anything he says seriously, he’s actually a decent guy! It’s just all part of the show! 🤮
Timmy Bo is a America’s sweetheart! I tune in everyday to catch up on my news and real world issues. I’ve learned so much from listening to the sweet sounds of Tim’s voice.
Lives up to it’s distorted moniker. Fantastically stupid show with a little bit of this and a lil bit of that. Not meant for the easily offended, but if you have a sense of humor and can shut off your conscience briefly, you will love it!
I think I’m coming out and it’s all thanks to Tim
Had me at pillow squirter. Keep doin you boo boo.
Love the show. Don’t know anyone in my life I could recommend it to because of the content (sad I know) but I’m glad the shows stuck it out through the years. I’ll have to become a sideshow freak eventually.
Love this show! If you are a stuck up prude person avoid this podcast, otherwise laugh away!
This podcast is amazingly funny! If you’re a “P.C.” Type person, do us all a favor and skip this! Cry over there...if you can handle how stupid people are and understand that life is kinda what it is and have a sense of humor...give it a shot!!! I’m sold!!! Great job!
I started listening to DV back in 2008 and I've never looked back. I've had his soft supple voice whispering in my ear for 10 years and has become an appreciated break from all the chaos am mayhem of daily life. Tim A pure hearted soul who shines a light on struggling artists, giving them the exposure they so deserve. Many have even gone on to do incredible things like Glen Miller! I can no longer stand it when I hear people slurping up... food, but that’s a small price to pay for a lifetime of entertainment.
Mort do klon nop ngher flapbleb “nom nom nom”. Ube skert alndh flanbdu harbody. NO PATOMAMES!!!
I’ve known this guy since TellMe back in ‘97 and his show just gets better and better. Politically incorrect and doesn’t give a hoot about being hImself. I miss your warm embrace. ❤️
This guy is nuts. In a good freaky way!! Keep it up bro.