Yes I’ve been listening since before the term podcast was invented. Yes I’ve been reading Rose’s tour reports online. Yes I’d see Poster Children shows in Milwaukee, Madison, and Chicago through the years. Yes I’m a fan. But don’t take my word because I’m so indie and cool. Just add the show to your weekly routine. Entertaining and educational. Fun talks about politics, tech, capoeira, rock music, and more.
I’ve been listening to Rose and Rick sing since ‘95, but I’ve never heard them speak outside of a few words that were spoken at two of their shows (Junior Citizen tour and RTFM tour). Then, two days when I found their social media presences, I discovered that they have a podcast. Not only that, they were making podcast before there were podcasts! Listening to their conversations is a pleasure. It’s light-hearted, intellectual and entertaining.
Rick and Rose, husband and wife, indie rock band members, parents and mostly best friends, began this 'cast years before there was such a thing as an iPod. They talk about what is happening in their very interesting lives - from goings-on with their various band and art projects to raising their young child and holding down real jobs.
They have a real conversation about life and you are invited to listen in.
They are the ultimate do-it-yourselfers, never waiting on somebody else to show them how. That has meant producing their own albums in their basement, making "enhanced" CDs, filming, writing, editing their own videos and DVD. This podcast is just one of many "firsts" in their lives but they don't have an attitude about it. They are inspirational without trying to be. They are just living lives that any of us could, if we actually used the talents available to us.
Because of this podcast I count Rick and Rose among my friends, and wish them the best.