Reviews For The Archaeology Channel - Audio News from Archaeologica

I always enjoy these.
I love this podcast because it brightens my week with little bits of sunshine. Keep up the good work
Thank you for a high quality podcast with global and current archeological finds! I’ve been listening faithfully for years, your content and voices are so relaxing and informative.
i have been listening to this podcast for years...and i love it. simply love it. it’s a joy every time a new episode drops. makes me wish i had stayed in grad school and finished that archeology degree. however, like a previous reviewer had mentioned...i do not need the political slant. not that it’s found in every episode, but i have noticed it more of late. i understand there are real politics at play in some stories, but i’m so sick by how everything has become a political issue or transformed into one. it creeps into every aspect of life now. please, not here. Trump. racial injustice. walls. etc. that being said...still love this podcast, and other than that hiccup, it’s still the best out there.
I've followed the Archaeologica website for archaeological news for years. This podcast is great!
Just so great.
Full of great information that's an easy listen.
A quick weekly recap of current archaeological news. Wide range of topics & locations, delivered quickly & efficiently. Love it- keeps me up to date, and is a good overview of archaeo news to look into further on a personal level.
I love this weekly roundup of archaeology news.
I flip past the first 2m. Then later I look up more on the headlines that grab me.
Highly informative and well presented.
I love the weekly updates that this show gives. The bite sized format is great and encourages me to look into the stories and do my own research.
…..when I realize I missed the background to a really interesting point. It fleshes out stories that get only occasional brief notice outside of specialty journals, but does dumb things down for a non-specialist audience.
Short and sweet and to the point! Love all the info packed into each episode. I'd give it 5 stars, however, the presenter speaks way too quickly. SLOW IT DOWN!!!!! Please!
They expand on the basic facts of recent archaeological discoveries, to put the discoveries in context, so the listener understands why the discoveries are important. It’s fascinating through the years to watch more & more archaeological knowledge shed light on humanity's origins and travels.
My only wish is that you had more podcasts. It would be great to see episodes focused on different regions across the globe. Other than that, great podcast. You stay on point and get the news out.
This podcast rocks.
This podcast is definately a noteworth part of my week. I look forward to all of the updates and then follow up certain digs with additoinal research. keep up the great work!
Really well done weekly highlights from the world of archeology! Subscribe, you will really enjoy it.
A nice round up of the weeks archaeology headlines. It does yoeman's work.
I start jones-ing for the next installment the minute I finish the current episode. I enjoy the detailed information, and am amazed how much is reported in 10 - 15 minutes. Thank you for my fix each week


Love it. We listen to the podcast on the way to our project locations in the work truck. A great way to start the archaeological work day. More please.
Great podcast!
I listen to this every time there is a new episode. It is wide-ranging, but always on topic. The stories are concise and to the point. I only wish there was an additional podcast with more detailed content. First rate in every respect.
Recordings are crystal clear. Voices forward and understandable. Content is well focused, on the brief side but rarely lacking important information. Splendid in all respects.
I am a big fan of Time Team, this pod cast helps fill my hunger for Archaelogy programing between seasons My thanks!
I like this informative podcast. The guitar strumming interludes, though, are annoying and sound very unprofessional. Sounds like some kids are doing the podcast.
I enjoy the content of this podcast. They cover stories that I wouldn't hear about through the regular media. My only complaint is the female narrator talks too fast, which is a bit distracting.
The media spend little time on archeology unless it is some big spectacular find. So you will seldom get to hear about the lower profile, but every bit as interesting, stories that make up the week to week advances in archeology. This podcast fills that role, and is a welcome addition on my shuffle.
This is a wonderful show: informative, lively, varied, and succinct. Highlights of what's happening in the world of archaeology from around the world. Enjoy.
If you're interested in archaeology, this is an excellent podcast to add to your subscriptions. Podcasts typically cover 4 stories or so in about 10 minutes. The delivery is often rushed and a little breathless, but I recommend it for covering a wide variety of topics in a short time. High points: (1) various eras and regions receive coverage, and (2) there is no filler, wasted time, or excessive "point of view" -- just good basic archaeology news in a quick and to-the-point package.